So Many Secrets in The Game of Life

“Do the thing and you will have the power.” Be the artist and share your work. Live this way and you will...

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When you are in your right place

When you are in your right place you can barely feel your body. The feeling of bliss is so incredible you can’t...

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A Perfect Mix For A Great Start (From Craig’s Journal)

I got up and meditated. Afterwards I read from Autobiography of a Yogi about higher living and accounts of magical transcendental life....

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The World (Today’s Poetry)

When the world keeps us away from our meditations, reflections, and who we truly are, it is not a safe place. When...

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I have looked

I have looked for freedom off and on and yet have known how to attain it I have had periods of wonderful...

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Today’s Reminder: We Are One With The Universe

We are one with the Universe. With the meditation process we learn to focus on spiritual regions within, and become less affected...

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The Parable of The Trees (This Month’s Page From 30 Days)

God created everything. He made the sun, the moon, the earth, the people and the animals. God also created the trees. Each...

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Metaphysics 101… Imagine if

Think about what you want and more of it shows up. Or Think about what you don’t want and more of it...

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The Art of Dreaming New Life

Think of the life you want then let it go and live as though it is secretly already here.  Let’s call this...

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