These things will happen, unconciously to your conciousness (From The Next 30 Days)

The more we meditate and the more we move into the idea of Heaven here and now, the more we will experience peace, happiness, and growth as a soul. With these wonderful experiences we develope strength, and see incredible things happen for us and through us. Some of these things we expereince may have previously been thought of as impossible. And these wonders will happen unconciously to our conciousness. We won’t even see it coming.

Moving through life with an incredible sense of peace and direction. Being able to see what’s happening on the other side of town or the world. Being able to be led from within, and know exactly what to do and when to do it. Being able to lightly decide something is going to happen, and then see it show up in your world with lightning speed. Being able to understand and interpret our dreams. Being able to walk through a firestorm of a tough situation and prevail untouched. Seeing physical ailments improve and in some cases even dissapear. We just look up and these things, and even more just happen on account of our new focus and meditations.

Craig Kimbrough

For Positive Guru Blog

I love discovering the mysteries of God and The Universe. My goal is to allow as much of the infinite to come through as freely as possible as I live my life as a father, husband, son, brother friend, meditation teacher, writer, and business owner. I teach meditation, interpret dreams, write, and try to share as much as I learn along the way as possible.

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