Photo of a Halloween trick-or-treater, Redford...
Photo of a Halloween trick-or-treater, Redford, Michigan, United States. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

halloween (Photo credit: BEE FREE – PGrandicelli [the social bee])
Once again this year I was reminded just how positive a time Halloween is.  I took my youngest son Jordan trick or treating again this year and as always it was a wonderful experience.  It was raining the whole time but we did not care.  It was like it was part of the wonderful setting and fun.  What got me and what always gets me, is all of the good cheer everywhere we go.  From the houses we go to, to the grocery stores and restaurants where all the employees are dressed up, people are so happy to give and see the kids happy.  In some ways this is the most positive holiday to me because people are giving and contributing to the kids fun and happiness everywhere you go.  And the kids they give to and share their smiles with are children they don’t even know.  How cool is that?

Peace and Blessings


Uncategorized2 Comments on Today’s Positive thought (Halloween is one of the most positive holidays)

2 Replies to “Today’s Positive thought (Halloween is one of the most positive holidays)”

  1. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! It really is so many people just enjoying life and allowing themselves to be kids again. And it’s fun for kids to see their parents and other adults be silly and playful. 🙂
    So happy your evening was great.
    Happy Friday and have a great week-end, Craig!
    Much Love and Blessings to you,

    1. Hello Crystal

      I forgot to mention that. It is a very playful time period, for both kids and adults. We need that fun and silliness more often. I hope your holiday was good as well. Thank you for sharing. Peace and Blessings my friend.

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